Standards and Protocols

Technical summary of the standards and protocols supported by the cloud agent

Secure Channel


DIDComm V1

DIDComm V1 over HTTP/s is used by the cloud agent to transmit and receive E2EE messages (basic messages, credential exchanges, proof exchanges, etc).

Credential & Presentation Formats


Anoncreds V1

The cloud agent supports issuance and presentation of credentials following the Hyperledger AnonCreds Specification v1.0. Anoncreds credentials have many privacy-preserving capabilities such as blinded holder bindings, zero-knowledge proofs and selective disclosure.

W3C VCs/VPs V1

The cloud agent supports issuance and presentation of W3C credentials following the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1 spec, using LD-Proofs (JSON Linked Data Proofs).

Credential & Proof Exchange



Hyperledger Aries protocols from the AIP1 suite can be used to issue credentials and present proofs. This includes the protocols issue-credential-v1 and present-proof-v1 respectively.


Hyperledger Aries protocols from the AIP2 suite can also be used to issue credentials and present proofs. This includes the protocols issue-credential-v2 and present-proof-v2 respectively.

Supported DID Methods

The cloud agent is able to resolve any DID, by use of a universal resolver.

Other Protocols

Some other notable protocols supported by the cloud agent include (but are not limited to):


AIP1 Connection Protocol

The cloud agent establishes DIDComm connections using the AIP1 connection protocol (RFC 0160).

Aries Basic Messages

The cloud agent uses the AIP2 basic message protocol for exchanging arbitrary messages along a DIDComm connection (RFC 0095).

Aries BBS+ Derived W3C VCs

The cloud agent supports the issuance of W3C credentials using BBS+ signatures (RFC 0646). This signature allows the holder to selectively disclose a subset of their W3C credential attributes when performing a proof exchange.

Last updated