Administrative APIs for managing entitlements sets
The standard create, read, update and delete management operations are performed by calling the addEntitlementsSet, getEntitlementsSet or listEntitlementsSets, setEntitlementsSet, and removeEntitlementsSet APIs respectively.
Common Entitlements Sets Types
# An entitlement
type Entitlement {
# Name of the entitlement
name: String!
# Optional description of the entitlement
description: String
# Value of the entitlement. Type Float to allow for values
# values larger than possible with Int. Value is a
# positive integer.
value: Float!
# A set of entitlements
type EntitlementsSet {
# Time of initial creation of an entitlements set in milliseconds
# since epoch. Number is integral, float type provides sufficient
# precision.
createdAtEpochMs: Float!
# Time of most recent update of an entitlements set in milliseconds
# since epoch. Number is integral, float type provides sufficient
# precision.
updatedAtEpochMs: Float!
# Version of the entitlements set. Incremented each time an update is made.
version: Int!
# Name of the entitlements set.
name: String!
# Optional description of the entitlements set.
description: String
# Entitlements conferred by this entitlements set.
entitlements: [Entitlement!]!
Add a New Entitlements Set
A new entitlements set can be added to the system by calling the addEntitlementsSet mutation.
# Input for the addEntitlementsSet mutation
input AddEntitlementsSetInput {
name: String!
description: String
entitlements: [EntitlementInput!]!
type Mutation {
# Adds an entitlement set
input: AddEntitlementsSetInput!
): EntitlementsSet!
Possible Errors
InvalidEntitlementsError will be returned if an entitlement name is not a recognized entitlement.
ServiceError will be returned for internal errors.
Adding a new entitlements set using SDK.
do {
let entitlementsSet = try await client.addEntitlementsSetWithName(
name: "Premium user",
description: "Entitlements set for premium users",
entitlements: [Entitlement(name: "sudoplatform.sudo.max", description: "Max. Sudos", value: 3)]
} catch let error {
// Handle error. An error may be thrown if the backend is unable perform
// the operation due to invalid input, availability or security issues.
val entitlementsSet =
"Premium user",
"Entitlements set for premium users",
Entitlement("sudoplatform.sudo.max", "Max. Sudos", 3)
Call the getEntitlementsSet query to retrieve an entitlements set by name.
# Input for the getEntitlementsSet query
input GetEntitlementsSetInput {
name: String!
type Query {
# Gets an entitlement set.
input: GetEntitlementsSetInput!
): EntitlementsSet
Possible Errors
ServiceError will be returned for internal errors.
Retrieving an entitlements set using SDK.
do {
let entitlementsSet = try await client.getEntitlementsSetWithName(
name: "Premium user",
} catch let error {
// Handle error. An error may be thrown if the backend is unable perform
// the operation due to invalid input, availability or security issues.
val entitlementsSet =
"Premium user"
Call the listEntitlementsSet query to list all of the entitlements sets in the system. The results list is paginated with a page size of 10. To retrieve all results your application must implement the following algorithm.
1. Call listEntitlementsSet query with nextToken set to null
2. If nextToken in the returned EntitlementsSetsConnection is null,
there are no more results to retrieve
3. Call listEntitlementsSet query with nextToken set to the value
returned from the previous call
4. Go to step 2
# Pagination connection for use when listing entitlements sets
type EntitlementsSetsConnection {
items: [EntitlementsSet!]!
nextToken: String
# Input for the listEntitlementsSets query
input ListEntitlementsSetsInput {
token: String!
type Query {
# Retrieves all entitlements sets.
nextToken: String
): EntitlementsSetsConnection!
Possible Errors
ServiceError will be returned for internal errors.
Listing entitlements sets using SDK.
do {
let listOutput = try await client.listEntitlementsSetsWithNextToken(
nextToken: nil,
} catch let error {
// Handle error. An error may be thrown if the backend is unable perform
// the operation due to invalid input, availability or security issues.
val listOutput =
Call the setEntitlementsSet mutation to update the contents of an existing entitlements set. The updated entitlements set is returned.
# Input representing an entitlement
input EntitlementInput {
name: String!
description: String
value: Int!
# Input for the setEntitlementsSet mutation
input SetEntitlementsSetInput {
name: String!
description: String
entitlements: [EntitlementInput!]!
type Mutation {
# Change the entitlements conferred by an entitlements set.
setEntitlementsSet(input: SetEntitlementsSetInput!): EntitlementsSet!
Possible Errors
InvalidEntitlementsError will be returned if an entitlement name is not a recognized entitlement.
ServiceError will be returned for internal errors.
Updating an entitlements set using SDK.
do {
let entitlementsSet = try await client.setEntitlementsSetWithName(
name: "Premium user",
description: "Entitlements set for premium users",
entitlements: [Entitlement(name: "sudoplatform.sudo.max", description: "Max. Sudos", value: 5)]
} catch let error {
// Handle error. An error may be thrown if the backend is unable perform
// the operation due to invalid input, availability or security issues.
val entitlementsSet =
"Premium user",
"Entitlements set for premium users",
Entitlement("sudoplatform.sudo.max", "Max. Sudos", 5)
Call the removeEntitlementsSet mutation to remove an existing entitlements set by name. The removed entitlements set is returned on success. null is returned if the named entitlements set cannot be found.
# Input for the removeEntitlementsSet mutation
input RemoveEntitlementsSetInput {
name: String!
type Mutation {
# Remove an entitlements set. Any users configured against this
# entitlements set will become unentitled.
removeEntitlementsSet(input: RemoveEntitlementsSetInput!): EntitlementsSet
Possible Errors
EntitlementsSetInUseError will be returned if any entitlements sequences exist that reference the entitlements set
ServiceError will be returned for internal errors.
Removing an entitlements set using SDK.
do {
let entitlementsSet = try await client.removeEntitlementsSetWithName(
name: "Premium user",
} catch let error {
// Handle error. An error may be thrown if the backend is unable perform
// the operation due to invalid input, availability or security issues.
val entitlementsSet =
"Premium user"