Configuration Data

Allow your users to obtain configuration details that include the various velocities that apply to funding sources, virtual cards and transactions.

Get Configuration Data

A call to getVirtualCardsConfig returns virtual cards configuration data. This includes data such as transaction velocity, maximum transaction amounts, card creation velocity, funding source creation / error velocity, funding source support information and supported virtual card currencies.

Velocity string values are represented in the format of amount/period, where period is an ISO8601 period. For example, a maxCardCreationVelocity of 10 cards per hour, would be represented as 10/PT1H.

try {
    const configurationData = await virtualCardsClient.getVirtualCardsConfig()
    // `configurationData` constains details such as transaction velocity,
    // maximum transaction amounts, card creation velocity, funding source creation / error velocity,
    // funding source support information and supported virtual card currencies.
} catch {
    // Handle/notify user of errors

VirtualCardsConfig field definitions

Velocities controls specify the maximum rate at which certain operations can be performed by a user. They consist of an amount and a time period. The amount is specified as a number and the time period is specified as an ISO8601 time period. Velocities are expressed in the format <amount>/<time-period>. Velocity configuration may be specified as a list of velocities all of which are applied to an operation. For example a velocity list of ['5/P1D', '10/P28D'] constrains an operations to be performed no more than either 5 times per day or 10 times per 28 days.

maxFundingSourceVelocity - List of velocities specifying the maximum number of funding sources allowed to be created during a specified period for a user.

maxFundingSourceFailureVelocity - List of velocities specifying the maximum number of funding source creation failures allowed during a specific period for a user.

maxCardCreationVelocity - List of velocities specifying the maximum number of virtual cards allowed to be created during a specified period for a user.

maxTransactionVelocity - List of velocities specifying the maximum aggregate value of virtual card transactions (not including fees) allowed during a specified period for a user and specified per virtual card denomination currency. Amounts are specified in the currency minor unit (for example cents for USD). Only currencies supported in a given deployment are returned. For example:

  { currency: 'USD', velocity: ['25000/P1D'] },
  { currency: 'EUR', velocity: ['20000/P1D'] }

maxTransactionAmount - The maximum value of any single virtual cards transaction (not including fees) allowed. Amounts are specified in the currency minor unit (for example cents for USD). Specified per virtual card denomination currency. Only currencies supported in a given deployment are returned. For example:

  { currency: 'USD', amount: 25000 },
  { currency: 'EUR', amount: 20000 }

virtualCardCurrencies - A list of currencies in which virtual cards may be denominated. For example, ['USD', 'EUR']

fundingSourceSupportInfo - Various details about the supported funding sources. For card based funding sources, this includes card type and network.

bankAccountFundingSourceExpendableEnabled - Boolean property indicating whether or not the sudoplatform.virtual-cards.bankAccountFundingSourceExpendable expendable entitlement is required in order to provision a bank account funding source.

bankAccountFundingSourceCreationEnabled - Boolean property indicating whether or not bank account funding sources are permitted for this client.

Last updated