Integrate the Virtual Cards SDK

Integrate the Virtual Cards SDK into your application


Get Started

Integrate the JS SDK

To use the Virtual Cards SDK in a Web or Node.js project, you must add @sudoplatform/sudo-virtual-cards as a dependency to your project.

yarn add '@sudoplatform/sudo-virtual-cards'
# or
npm install --save '@sudoplatform/sudo-virtual-cards'

In order to instantiate a Virtual Cards client, make sure you have followed instructions for Getting Started, User SDK and Sudo Profiles SDK (see Prerequisites above).

To instantiate and initialize a client in your application, add the following:

import { DefaultApiClientManager } from '@sudoplatform/sudo-api-client'
import { DefaultConfigurationManager } from '@sudoplatform/sudo-common'
import { DefaultSudoVirtualCardsClient } from '@sudoplatform/sudo-virtual-cards'
import { DefaultSudoProfilesClient } from '@sudoplatform/sudo-profiles'
import { DefaultSudoUserClient } from '@sudoplatform/sudo-user'

const sdkConfigJSON = /* ... refer to Users documentation ... */

const userClient = new DefaultSudoUserClient(/* refer to Users documentation */)
const profilesClient = new DefaultSudoProfilesClient(/* refer to Sudos documentation */)
const apiClientManager = DefaultApiClientManager.getInstance().setAuthClient(userClient)

const virtualCardsClient = new DefaultSudoVirtualCardsClient(

Integrate the iOS SDK

Add this line to your Podfile:

pod 'SudoVirtualCards'

Install pod dependencies by running the following command in your project directory:

pod install --repo-update

This will update the local CocoaPods repository and install the latest version of the Virtual Cards SDK.

In order to instantiate a Virtual Cards client, make sure you have followed instructions for Getting Started, User SDK and Sudo Profiles SDK (see Prerequisites above)

To instantiate a client in your application, add the following:

import SudoVirtualCards
import SudoProfiles
import SudoUser

let userClient = // ... see "Users" docs
let profilesClient = // ... see "Sudos" docs

do {
    let virtualCardsClient = DefaultSudoVirtualCardsClient(
        keyNamespace: keyNamespace,
        userClient: userClient,
        profilesClient: profilesClient)
} catch {
    // Handle initialization error. An error might be thrown due to invalid
    // or missing confiugration file.

You only need one client instance for a given user per device. Instantiating multiple clients with the same configuration and using them at the same time may cause unexpected runtime errors to occur.

See it in action. Be sure to take a look at the open source iOS sample app on Github that our team published as a reference for integrating the Virtual Cards SDK into your app as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Integrate the Android SDK

The Android SDK is open source and compatible with Android 6 (API level 23) and above.

Add this line to the dependencies section of the app module build.gradle and synchronize your project with Android Studio.

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.sudoplatform:sudovirtualcards:$latest_version'
    // For Stripe funding source.
    implementation 'com.stripe:stripe-android:20.5.0'
    // For Checkout funding source.
    implementation 'com.github.checkout:frames-android:3.1.2'

The latest version of the SDK can be found at SDK Releases.

In order to instantiate a Virtual Cards client, make sure you have followed instructions for Getting Started, User SDK and Sudo SDK (see Prerequisities above)

To instantiate a client in your application, add the following

val userClient = // ... see "Users" docs
val profilesClient = // ... see "Sudos" docs

val virtualCardsClient = SudoVirtualCardsClient.builder()

You only need one client instance for a given user per device. Instantiating multiple clients with the same configuration and using them at the same time may cause unexpected runtime errors to occur.

See it in action. Be sure to take a look at the open source Android sample app on Github that our team published as a reference for integrating the Virtual Cards SDK into your app as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Last updated