Manage Wallets

Provides the abilities to allow users to create and manage their own secure wallets for agent data

An agent needs a secure persistent place to store their cryptographic keys, credentials, protocol data and more. Before using most agent APIs, a wallet must be created and opened for usage. The important wallet management functionality is highlighted below.

Note that all "wallet" functionality is found under the agent's WalletModule implementation (within agent.wallet).

Creating a Wallet

To effectively manage a user's DI data, a wallet must be created to securely store that data.

Each wallet must be created with a unique id along with a secure passphrase. To create a new wallet on the user's device, call the wallet.create method with those parameters. The chosen unique id should be remembered by consuming apps, as it is required to open the wallet.

Configurable ids allow for developers to create "multi-wallet" applications if desired.

The chosen passphrase is used to encrypt the wallet's data, and as such, should be a secure value. Passphrase's also cannot be changed after wallet creation. Due to these reasons, an application may wish to consider a flow such as:

  1. Randomly generate a secure permanent passphrase for the wallet,

  2. Store this passphrase in the app's secure device storage,

  3. add some "user friendly" authentication to the app to protect access to the passphrase: e.g. biometrics etc.

let id: String // the unique id for the wallet
let passphrase: String // the secure passphrase used to open the wallet
let agent: SudoDIEdgeAgent // the instantiated agent

let walletConfiguration = WalletConfiguration(id: id, passphrase: passphrase)
do {
    try await agent.wallet.create(walletConfiguration: walletConfiguration)
} catch {
    // handle error

Opening a Wallet

To access and manage the data within a wallet, it must first be opened successfully by calling with the correct id and passphrase used when the wallet was created. If the wallet is not successfully opened, an exception/error will be thrown.

let id: String // the existing id of the wallet
let passphrase: String // the existing passphrase used to open the wallet
let agent: SudoDIEdgeAgent // the instantiated agent

let walletConfiguration = WalletConfiguration(id: id, passphrase: passphrase)
do {
    try await walletConfiguration)
} catch {
    // handle error

An instance of SudoDIEdgeAgent can only have 1 wallet open at a time. To "switch wallets", close the current wallet and re-open a different one.

Closing a Wallet

The currently open wallet can be closed by calling wallet.close. Closing a wallet will disallow read and write operations to the wallet until it is subsequently opened again. A wallet may be deleted once closed via the wallet.delete API.

let agent: SudoDIEdgeAgent // the instantiated agent

do {
    try await agent.wallet.close()
} catch {
    // handle error

Deleting a Wallet

To delete a wallet from storage on the user's device, call wallet.delete with the id and passphrase that was used to originally create the wallet. Deleting the wallet will erase all of the user's DI data within that wallet. The wallet must be closed before deleting it.

let id: String // the existing id of the wallet
let passphrase: String // the existing passphrase used to open the wallet
let agent: SudoDIEdgeAgent // the instantiated agent

do {
    let walletConfiguration = WalletConfiguration(id: id, passphrase: passphrase)
    try await agent.wallet.delete(walletConfiguration: walletConfiguration)
} catch {
    // handle error

Check if a Wallet Exists

The existence of a wallet identified by id can be checked using wallet.exists.

let id: String // the id of the wallet
let agent: SudoDIEdgeAgent // the instantiated agent

do {
    let exists = try await agent.wallet.exists(walletId: id)
    if exists {
        // handle wallet existing
    } else {
        // handle wallet not existing
} catch {
    // handle error

Note that all wallet module operations are performed within the environment of the storageDirectory selected during agent configuration. As such, custom behavior with changing storageDirectory may lead to wallets no longer "existing" according to the API (until the original storageDirectory is chosen again).

Last updated