Standards and Protocols

Technical summary of the standards and protocols supported by the Edge Agent SDK

Secure Channel


DIDComm V1

DIDComm V1 over HTTP/s is used by the Edge Agent to transmit and receive E2EE messages (credential exchanges, proof presentations, chat messages, etc).

Credential & Presentation Formats


Anoncreds V1

Hyperledger Anoncreds V1 credentials and presentation can be used by the Edge Agent. Allowing the full zero-knowledge proof capabilities of Anoncreds to be taken advantage of by applications.


W3C Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations using Linked Proofs are support by the Edge Agent.

Credential & Proof Exchange



Hyperledger Aries protocols from the AIP1 suite can be used to receive credentials and present proofs. This includes the protocols issue-credential-v1 and present-proof-v1 respectively.


Hyperledger Aries protocols from the AIP2 suite can also be used to receive credentials and present proofs. This includes the protocols issue-credential-v2 and present-proof-v2 respectively.

Supported DID Methods


Sovrin DIDs can be resolved by the Edge Agent against the configured genesis file. Supporting the public DID type preferred by many Aries Issuers.

DID Keys can be used by the Edge Agent. They are particularly useful for creating a holder binding with some entity (e.g. W3C VC)

🚧 Coming soon.. (did:peer 3 & 4)

🚧 Coming soon.. (replacing vague did:sov usage)

Other Protocols

Some other major protocols supported by Edge Agent include (but not limited to):


AIP1 Connection Protocol

The AIP1 connection protocol (RFC 0160) is supported by the Edge Agent as a means for bootstrapping DIDComm V1 connections.

Aries Basic Messages

The AIP2 protocol for exchanging text messages along a DIDComm connection (RFC 0095) is supported by the Edge Agent (see Messaging).

Aries BBS+ Derived W3C VCs

As an extension to supporting W3C credentials, the Edge Agent can receive and derive selectively disclosed variants of BBS+ signed credentials (as described in RFC 0646). This means the agent can selectively disclose a subset of their BBS+ W3C credential attributes when performing a presentation.

AIP2 Connection Protocols 🚧

Coming soon..

Data Encryption

All Agent wallet data (Connections, Credentials, Keys, Exchange states, Messages, etc) is encrypted at rest, using a combination of Aries Askar and SQLite encryption.

Last updated